10 Interesting Facts About Argentinian Wine

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I have a toast.

A toast to Argentina and the top facts about Argentinian wine.

Here is to Argentina: the second largest country in South America. It is home to a vibrant culture with mountains and scenery. And it is also the largest exporter of wine on the continent and fifth largest wine exporter in the world.

By Andrew Nader

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Its warm climate and fertile soil make it the ideal region for grape cultivation. Argentinian culture shines through its wine production because of the many different kinds of grapes grown there.

They were introduced to the country by different groups of immigrants, including the Spanish, Italian, and French.

In fact, it was when Spain colonized the Americas, bringing grapevine cuttings to Argentina, that introduced the wine production industry to the country and birthed a wine culture like no other. I have some facts about Argentinian wine and culture.

Argentinian Wine History

Argentinian Wine History

But first a toast. This is a toast to that culture, where competition fueled the country’s desire to produce nothing but the best and export it in the largest quantities humanly possible (they are responsible for about 3.5 percent of the world’s wine supply).

A mix of elements come together to create a wine powerhouse that has something for everyone to like.

Just thinking about it makes me want to pour myself a glass of their full body Malbec.

Or open a bottle of a smooth and aromatic Syrah.

Or pair the well-balanced Tempranillo with a tasty dish (the list goes on and on) and enjoy an experience of Argentinian culture as Argentinians intended.

Different Types of Argentinian Wine

Different Types of Argentinian Wine

As you do the same and find your favorite variety, let us raise our glasses and talk about these top ten fun facts about the true and absolute beauty and the art that is Argentinian wine and culture. Cheers friend.

…And let the countdown…begin!

#10: Just how much Wine do Argentinians drink?

I really like this one, as I am an avid French wine drinker and it makes me want to drink more Argentinian wine to compare. And it may cause some alcohol fueled debate about which country has a bigger attachment to wine:

Argentinians drink 12 gallons of wine per year. And Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, ranks second on the list of the top wine consuming cities in the world – second only to Paris, France. In fact, they drink 90 percent of the wine they produce. That’s a lot of wine and some serious dedication to their craft!

Read more here!

#9: How many wineries are in Argentina?

Argentina is home to about 2000 wineries. They exist in all parts of the country – north, south, east, and west, and central. They offer wine tours and tastings. So, if you can, visit one today and immerse yourself in Argentinian wine culture.

More information about wineries in Argentina and its regions can be found here.

#8: Argentinian Wine Law

According to Argentinian law, the type of grape used to make a bottle of wine must be on the label.

Also, the entire bottle must be made from that one type of grape, which leads me to my next fact.

#7: The Most Plentiful Grape Variety

Do you know which grape variety is most plentiful in Argentina? The answer is Malbec, which is a French red variety and my personal favorite, but I am biased.

Malbec originates from Southern France. It was introduced to Argentina in the 1850s.

In my opinion, it is my number one choice for someone trying Argentinian wine for the first time. So, what are you waiting for? Go try yourself a bottle already! But before you do, make sure to read up on Malbec in Argentina!

#6: What is the Largest Wine Producing Region?

The biggest wine producing region in the country is Mendoza, with its vineyards covering a whopping 370,000 acres of land. It is home to the production of the most (you guessed it) Malbec variety.

#5: World Malbec Day

Speaking of Argentinian wine culture and their love of Malbec, the country celebrates World Malbec Day on April 17.

Why not celebrate with them and join in on the fun at one of their many festivals featuring music and entertainment, street food, and some of the best wine in the world.

#4: Where are wine Grapes Grown?

Wine is grown in Argentina at among the highest altitudes in the world, the highest being up to 4900 feet. Efficient irrigation systems supply water to the soil making it possible to grow grapes in the highest quantities in the Andes Mountains.

#3: New Techniques

These irrigation systems and new cultivation techniques were introduced to Argentina in the 19th Century.

Up until then, wine production remained stagnant, producing much of the same type.

#2: What makes Argentinian soil special?

Argentinian soils reduce the amount of root attacking pests known to have destroyed grape crops in France.

This can be attributed to adequate sunshine, reduced rainfall, low humidity, and low wind speeds. This allows for organic wine production without the use of pesticides.

Read more here. And follow this link for even more information.

#1 Fact about Argentinian wine is….!? Wine is Argentina’s National Liquor

Wine was declared Argentina’s national liquor by the Argentine government in November 2010. With about 489,000 acres of land dedicated to wine production, it is obvious why.

And there you have it! The top ten facts about Argentinian wine. Be sure bring up one of these top facts about Argentinian wine at your next social gathering, show off your wine savvy, and be the life of the party – while enjoying a glass of Malbec of course. You earned it. Thanks for reading!

Photo by Bruno, hthanhvu13 and Tookapic

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