Coffee News – June 2022

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Do you like reading the news while you drink your coffee, but are tired of reading about politics and protests?

Then maybe you will like to read these fun, interesting news all revolving around coffee!

Have fun!

By Mila.

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A Study Found That Moderate Consumption Of Coffee Is Associated With Lower Risk Of Death

No need to be apologetic when drinking your second (or third) cup of coffee of the day!

Despite the popular belief that coffee is bad for your health, there has been a recent study demystifying that.

A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine shows that coffee drinkers in general have a lower risk of death. Ok, what?!

They made a huge study with over 171.000 people in the U.K who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee per day (with or without sugar) for seven years, and all of them had a lower risk of death than non-coffee drinkers. Wow!

Harvard Medical School Associate Professor of Medicine, Dr. Christina Wee, wrote an accompanying editorial about the results of the study, where she says it isn’t clear if it was the coffee drinking per se that led to the lower mortality risk.

But we’re allowed to sustain this belief for a little longer until it’s proven otherwise, can’t we?

By the way, have you had a look at our resources and deals page yet?

Disposable Coffee Cups Can Be Used as Part of Concrete Mix

It’s no secret the world consumes a huge amount of disposable coffee cups every day, and Melbourne engineer Yanni Bouras has been testing ways to turn disposed paper coffee cups into something useful.

That’s right: they’re using these disposable coffee cups as part of a concrete mix.

Bouras said: “We were having coffee one day in the cafe here at VU and we sort of looked at the coffee cups and thought, ‘why not give this a go?'”

Then they tested using the cups mixed in as a substitute for a proportion of the sand that usually goes into a concrete mix.

They found that coffee cups make for a weaker concrete, but it has a higher thermal performance.

This means the coffee cup concrete mix can be used for non-structural purposes.

If only 10% of sand was replaced with disposable coffee cups, there could be roughly 700 coffee cups per cubic meter of concrete.

Aren’t we all lucky to have an engineer that’s also a coffee lover?

Unions Might Be the Solution for Coffee Baristas

Steph Achter, a 17-year veteran of various coffee shops in the U.S, shares in an NPR article that coffee baristas all face a set of similar problems, and it’s time for change.

“Emotional labor is really high. Schedules are really inconsistent. It’s hard to take time off, to plan your life outside of work,” shares Achter, who believes that unions are the solution to change. And she’s not the only one.

Other coffee baristas all over the United States are starting to take action towards better work conditions, job security, as well as fair payment for the huge amount of work (and emotional labor) they do on the daily.

Because most coffee baristas are highly educated and don’t see their jobs as something they’ll do for life, when pursuing unions, they are fighting for themselves in the present, but also those who will come next.

Amy Horton At Introvertdear.Com Published an Intriguing Story

If you’re an introvert, you will relate to this reassuring story Amy Horton posted on Introvert Dear.

It’s about how coffee shops might be the perfect spot for introverts to get their fix of not only coffee, but also of some socialization.

She called coffee shops “the ultimate introvert utopia”.

  • Why, though?
  • Aren’t coffee shops full of strangers?
  • How could this be the perfect place for introverts?

She starts sharing that although she is an introvert, she also needs some (controlled) socialization like any other human.

Introverts might benefit from an environment where they can just sit and be around other people, without necessarily having to talk to them.

Doesn’t that sound lovely!

Even introverts might benefit from getting out of the house and indulging in the “writer, work from home, entrepreneur” vibe.

Another great advantage of going to coffee shops for introverts is simply being able to leave and retreat back to the quietness of your home whenever you please.

Study Suggests Coffee is Safe During Pregnancy

According to an observational study from the University of Queensland experts published on the International Journal of Epidemiology, enjoying a daily latte or black coffee poses no increased risk of pregnancy.

Dr Gunn-Helen Moen, Dr Daniel Hwang, and Caroline Brito Nunes from UQ’s Institute for Molecular Bioscience studied coffee drinking behavior using genetics, and their findings show that limited coffee consumption during pregnancy does not increase the risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, or premature birth.

According to the DNA research, women who drank coffee had no increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, or early birth.

The researchers emphasize that the study only looked at particular unfavorable pregnancy outcomes, and that caffeine consumption could alter other essential aspects of fetal development as well.

“As a result, we do not recommend a large intake of coffee during pregnancy, but rather a low or moderate use,” Dr. Moen added.

Coffee Prices are Rising

The Seven Miles blog posted in June 2022 about how coffee prices are going up this year.

We’ll summarize what’s happening in a simple and easy way to understand.

As you probably know, Brazil produces up to 40% of all the coffee in the globe.

Unfortunately, the weather in Brazil has not been the best for coffee cultivation.

Brazil produced significantly less coffee than planned in 2021 due to a combination of drought and frost.

As a result, global coffee reserves fell to their lowest level in more than two decades.

Now it gets even simpler: when there is less coffee available and a high demand for it, prices rise.

But there are also other reasons coffee prices are rising: higher freight costs because of the war on Ukraine, covid, and a shortage of hospitality workers, such as coffee baristas – their salaries are increasing since they started an union, and so are the prices on the menu.

According to the article from Seven Miles, “the cost of living in 2022 is officially crazy”, and unfortunately, coffee is no exception.

Photo by Kseniya Budko

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