7 Reasons To Try Different Coffee Beans + 4 To Try Unroasted Beans

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So, you’re used to your daily cup of coffee. But maybe a thought crossed your mind.

The thought of trying something new.

But why change what’s working for you? Here are 7 reasons to try different coffee beans.

By Mila.

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There are Different Types of Coffee Beans

There are four distinct types of coffee beans:

Although some are more popular than others, they all have unique traits, flavor profiles, and cultivation requirements.

Maybe the one you didn’t taste yet will be your favorite! There’s only one way to find out.

The Origin of the Coffee Beans Makes a Difference

The origin of the coffee beans makes a difference.

Coffee grown in Africa tastes different than coffee grown in South America.

Brazilian coffee for instance, has traces of chocolate and caramel, while Hawaiian coffee will taste very pure, bright, and sweet with brown sugar, milk chocolate, citrus, and berries as flavor notes that can be present.

That’s because the climate and soil are different in each region.

So, if you want to experience all the different flavors that coffee has to offer, you need to try beans from different parts of the world.

☕️ Fun suggestion: try coffee from different regions of the world and look for articles about these places to read while drinking your coffee!

You Might Discover Your New Favorite Coffee

You might be thinking that you know what you like and there’s no need to explore any further.

But trust me, you haven’t had your best cup of coffee yet.

I had my best cup of cappuccino completely unplanned while staying at a hotel. It was a delicious surprise. I am still trying to come close to that while making my own coffee at home.

Now, don’t do what I did and leave without asking someone in the hotel about what coffee they use: I wish I had!

4 Coffee Gear & Coffee Recommendations

Coffee Has a Variety of Flavors

There are so many different flavors and varieties of coffee beans out there, and each one has its own unique flavor profile.

So, if you’re only sticking to the same blend, you’re really missing out.

Branch out and try different coffee blends—you might be surprised at how much you like them. Who knows, you might even find a new favorite blend or type.

You’ll Learn Specialty Coffee Is Indeed Special

The world of coffee beans is vast and filled with flavor nuances that you simply can’t find in a cheap instant coffee.

That’s why, if you’re serious about your coffee, you should try specialty coffee.

By branching out and trying new beans, you’ll unlock a world of flavors that you never knew existed.

It might be hard to “go back” after trying specialty coffee.

I mean, why would you want to?

And let’s face it – specialty coffee is worth the price. The beans are ethically sourced, and the brewing process is done with precision and care to achieve the best (and fanciest) results.

Try Different Brewing Methods

It’s time to be your own barista!

You’ve just brought home a bag of fresh new coffee beans. Awesome! This is just the start of your coffee adventure.

But… Now what?

Well, the first thing you should do is try them out in different brewing methods.

Each brewing method brings out different flavors in the coffee beans, so it’s a great way to experience all they have to offer.

Here are a few popular brewing methods you might want to try.

French Press

A French Press is a container with a plunger and filter screen that presses hot water through ground coffee.

The process of making coffee using a “French Press” is known as “French press coffee.”

A plunger and a strainer meet in a French press. By simultaneously brewing, pressing, and straining, it enables you to brew ground coffee in a container.

The ability to customize a cup of coffee to one’s own personal preferences is the French Press’s biggest benefit.

Cold Brew

Simply put, cold brew is coffee that has been brewed with cold water as opposed to hot water, and it typically involves a lengthy steeping process that lasts anywhere from 12 to 24 hours.

Cold brew is typically described as having a smoother, lower-acid, and heavier flavor than its hot brewed counterparts.

Bialetti – Moka Pot

Created by Alfonso Bialetti, the Moka Pot is a popular and beloved way to make coffee.

The Moka Pot is capable of producing a strong, rich, espresso-like batch of coffee in less than 10 minutes.


Espresso is a potent, rich coffee beverage. It is made by squeezing hot water under pressure through ground coffee.

Compared to some other brewing methods, espresso has a thicker consistency.

Try to Do Something New

If you’re used to preparing your coffee in a certain way, you can try to prepare it in a different way than what you usually do.

For example, if you usually brew coffee with a French press, try using a pour-over this time around.

And if you usually make coffee with a drip machine, try using an espresso maker for a change.

You might be surprised at how different the same beans can taste when brewed using different methods.

So go ahead and experiment!

You might just find a new favorite brewing method.

4 Reasons Why You Should Buy Unroasted Coffee Beans

By Lucy.

Green Coffee Beans – What are They?

Ansley Hill of Healthline describes green coffee beans as regular coffee beans that have not been roasted. They are also called raw, unroasted coffee beans.

You can purchase green coffee in whole-bean form.

How do green coffee beans taste?

Make no mistake; green coffee tastes nothing like roasted coffee!

Instead, it has a mild flavor and tastes more like herbal tea than coffee.

Additionally, Super Coffee’s Joel Fuster claims that coffee prepared using green coffee beans does not look like coffee.

This is true because it usually has an amber color with a hint of green.

Green coffee beans extract is a popular dietary supplement.

Also, its chemical profile differs from that of roasted coffee, although they have similar origins.

For example, green coffee beans contain more chlorogenic acids that have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Sowmya Binu, a nutrition expert at Netmeds.com, believes that these acids are responsible for the numerous health benefits associated with coffee.

On the other hand, roasted coffee products have smaller amounts of chlorogenic acid, and it loses most of it during the roasting process.

Why Buy Unroasted Coffee Beans?

Why should you buy unroasted coffee when it means giving you extra work?

Well, I used to ask myself this question a lot.

However, I later discovered the advantages of roasting raw coffee at home, and my perception of green coffee beans changed.

If you will go the extra mile, roasting your coffee beans at home has numerous benefits.

You Will Enjoy Fresh Coffee, Always!

Remember, when you roast coffee beans, they lose their essential oils and exquisite flavors. Therefore, the best coffee is the freshest coffee you can get.

When you roast your own coffee beans, you can do it on an “as-needed basis,” meaning your coffee will always be fresh.

And as Coffee Friend Laura Balockaite claims, everything you prepare from scratch is always better!

Green Coffee Beans Can Be A Bargain!

This might not always be so, but unroasted coffee beans are usually more economical than roasted coffee beans.

Since the seller has not invested their time and effort to roast the green coffee beans on your behalf, they can sell it at a lower price.

Garrett Oden at Java Presse has outlined how roasted coffee beans are priced.

Green Coffee Has A Longer Shelf Life

Raw coffee beans have a significantly longer shelf life than roasted coffee beans. For example, if you protect them from humidity, light, and oxygen, roasted coffee beans’ life span is around one month.

On the other hand, According to Gisselle Guerra, quality green coffee beans can last up to 12 months if well protected.

Consequently, you can stock up on green coffee beans in bulk.

You Can Experiment With Green Coffee

Green coffee beans have numerous therapeutic properties. For example, the coffee you brew using unroasted coffee beans is delicious and offers a unique flavor experience.

Additionally, getting green coffee beans allows you to enjoy endless experimentation with different green coffee recipes.

If you prefer something other than unroasted coffee, you can still toss the beans in your coffee roaster and enjoy roasted coffee.

Photos by Lukas and Alexas Fotos

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