Is It Worth Buying A Coffee Grinder? Why Or Why Not?

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A coffee grinder brings great value to your home brew station. It lets you enjoy super fresh coffee that is more aromatic than you could ever get with pre-ground coffee. It is, for me personally, the most important part of making coffee at home.

And so in this article, I’ll make the case of why I believe you should get a coffee grinder.

But I’ll also talk about some reasons why getting a coffee grinder might not be the best idea for you.

All things balanced as they should be.

By Marcelo.

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Why You Should Buy a Coffee Grinder

#1: You’ll Brew Fresher Coffee

As I just mentioned, a coffee grinder will enable you to enjoy fresher coffee than you have ever tasted at home.

Ground coffee loses its freshness ridiculously quickly—a piece of information that coffee companies don’t want you to know.

In fact, a lot of the pre-ground coffee that you buy is most likely already stale. Stale coffee has almost no taste.

And it’s actually tricky to tell whether it’s stale or not because of this – it doesn’t taste rotten or anything, it just lacks taste or aroma.

Odds are that if you’re buying pre-ground, you’re drinking stale coffee every now and then. and that’s already too often.

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#2: It Saves You Money

The next one is about money. Buying whole bean coffee is actually much cheaper than buying regular coffee.

On average, you’re saving 1/3 of your money – which isn’t necessarily a lot when it’s 1/3 of $20 a month, for example, but you have to think long-term.

Saving almost $10 a month, every month, for several years adds up. In one or two years your coffee grinder will already have paid for itself. From then on it’s more money for you!

So think about it as an investment: you’re spending money right now to save money later.

#3 It Helps You Make Better Coffee

Lastly, having a grinder just makes for better coffee.

This is several factors in one; one of them is that you can actually choose the perfect grind size for the brewing method/coffee/technique that you’re using.

It’s the small details (and the experimenting!) that makes such a difference.

And also that by buying whole beans you get access to different types of beans that aren’t sold pre-ground because they’re too good for that.

And did I mention you can buy green coffee, roast it yourself, and grind it? – you can even get green coffee from local producers!

And now to play bad cop:

Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Coffee Grinder

#1 You Don’t Actually Need It!

In all honesty, a lot of the people that ask me about coffee grinders are not the kind of people who I think would benefit the most from having one at home.

Let me elaborate.

As I was talking about before, having a coffee grinder is mostly about saving money.

Having a coffee grinder only really saves you money if you’re the kind of person that drinks coffee often.

Often meaning at least four times a day – if you drink a cup of coffee at home in the morning and then get coffee out the rest of the day, it kind of defeats the whole purpose.

So, getting a coffee grinder only to have one or two cups of coffee a day I believe is a waste of money and a waste of a good coffee grinder.

In this case you don’t actually need a coffee grinder, and it would be much better for you to just buy pre-ground coffee.

That’s really the only situation where I think buying a coffee grinder isn’t actually a good idea.

And I don’t think that’s a bad thing either – you wouldn’t buy a kitchen appliance that you know you’re not going to actually use.

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