What Is Coffee Shop Culture? + Examples (2)

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Coffee shop culture is a phenomenon that’s taken the whole world by storm.

Think back to the classic TV show Friends.

They would all come together in a coffee shop and talk and discuss their problems well having a cup of coffee.

This evolved into people going to coffee shops to engage in cultural activities – whether it is to read a book, watch a movie, read comics, etc.

By Marcelo.

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Coffee culture: a short history

It turns out that coffee shop culture is not anything new: hundreds of years ago when coffee was just emerging in the Middle East, coffee shops were in their infancy, people started to gather to drink coffee and talk.

Culture started to happen in these coffee shops. However, not everybody liked the idea of culture happening in coffee shops.

A certain sultan viewed coffee shops and the discussions happening in them as dangerous, revolutionary.

So he decided to ban coffee consumption under penalty of death.

Surprisingly enough, Coffee culture has a special place in American history.

The Boston Tea Party meant that he was no longer the drink of a true American, or not of those that supported American independence.

In order to get their caffeine fix, Americans all over the country turned to coffee, a drink otherwise unknown and unpopular in the country until that moment.

You see, while tea was taxed, coffee was not.

And so Americans would gather to drink coffee instead of tea.

Now, coffee was a patriotic drink that would not support the British empire.

Examples of coffee shop culture and how to participate in it

Community makes everything better, doing things in community helps us enjoy them more – and so participating in our community is a very important thing. How can you participate in coffee shop culture?

Let’s look at some examples!

#1 meeting up some friends and discussing the latest Marvel movie

A great example of coffee shop culture is meeting up with friends to discuss the latest movie.

This, of course, doesn’t have to be taken literally.

As long as you’re discussing any type of art, something that can be considered culture, it applies.

You can be discussing your newest favorite book, or the latest stand up you’ve watched, or even last night’s episode of SNL.

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#2 Creating culture

Instead of just talking about, creating art or culture in a coffee shop also counts as coffee shop culture.

Remember, whatever you’re working on does not have to be directly related to coffee or coffee shops in any way – as long as it happens in a coffee shop, it’s coffee shop culture.

The reason why so much culture happens in coffee shops is because they are a great place to meet and work. Coffee shops foster creativity thanks to the embracing atmosphere of not just the coffee shop itself but the community, too.

They are gathering places for communities – if you need to meet up with friends to work on something, you might choose to go to the coffee shop instead of going to someone’s house.

They are peaceful places where you can talk, and most importantly, have a nice cup of coffee.

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