Why Use A French Press Instead Of A Coffee Maker?

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In a world consumed by technology, as some say, there are many coffee lovers that are opting to make coffee without using machines: whether it’s a espresso, filter, or single-serve machine, there are actually many ways to make coffee analog style.

The French press is one of the oldest and, arguably, the best one.

So in this article I’ll tell you why I love the French press so much and I’ll give you 3 reasons why a French press is better than a coffee maker:

By Marcelo.

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The French press: a superior kind of coffee

The French press, despite being called that, isn’t completely French.

There were several earlier models that first appeared in France, but it was an Italian man who later patented an invention, based on these earlier models.

This would be an early model of the French press.

The final model hasn’t been altered for over one hundred years.

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Reason #1: No paper filters

Paper filters are what I call a necessary evil.

They are disposable, have the right porosity, and relatively no taste that could contamine flavor.

But paper won’t let oil go through as well – and guess where all of the flavor and aroma is? The coffee oils!

Coffee has several different oils, and using a metal filter guarantees that all these oils end up in your cup and not in the filter.

There is one thing, though: one of these, cafestol, might be bad for cholesterol levels.

Beware of this if you’re trying to keep your cholesterol levels low.

Reason #2: Easy to use

French presses are fail-proof and extremely easy to use. Pour the coffee, pour the water, and then let it sit.

Anyone can do it and there aren’t any steps you can mix up like with other coffee makers!

The one thing that’s important to get right with the French press is the timing.

One thing I always recommend is setting a timer instead of doing it by feel – that way you will get consistent results.

And you can adjust the brew to your liking! More time: stronger brew, and vice versa.

Reason #3: Inexpensive

The French press is great for your finances.

Paper filters, for one, is something you don’t have to buy ever again.

And paper filters aren’t really all that expensive, but it’s the little things that add up.

The French press itself is also very cheap – even the more expensive ones with high-quality materials are quite inexpensive and can last years without showing a single scratch.

My current French press I’ve had for close to 8 years and it’s still going strong!

So, there’s little reason to use a coffee maker when you have the great French press.

It’s easy to use, it’s several times cheaper, and it requires no power, no phones, no nothing.

Just water, coffee, and a little bit of patience.

The result?

Great tasting coffee!

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