Are Lever Espresso Machines Better? 6 Advantages

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What are the advantages of lever espresso machines over regular ones?

Well, in an era where automatic machines are the norm, it’s no wonder that automatic espresso machines still dominate the market.

But coffee junkies that have used a manual/lever espresso machine almost never go for the automatic models.


Is there something beyond the modern and classy look of these machines?

By Lilian.

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I did the research on this topic and identified 6 advantages of lever espresso machines over regular ones.

But first things first.

Comparing How Manual Espresso Machines And Automatic Espresso Makers Work

The basic concept with lever espresso machines and the automatic/regular ones is that they both make espresso the same way.

The idea is to force high-pressure hot water – mostly at 9 bars – through a tightly packed basket of fine coffee grounds.

But what’s the difference?

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Super-super Automatic Espresso Makers?

They do all the work for you.

The super-automatic ones do literally everything. It’ll grind, dose and tamp the beans, then pull the shot.

Others –  you have to first grind, dose or tamp the coffee and then the machine does the rest of the work.

Manual/Lever Espresso Machine

With a lever machine, the barista generates the pressure by hand and also manages every other aspect of the shot.

That includes grinding the coffee, weighing it, packing and tamping it into the filter basket.

The barista then proceeds to pump the lever, ensuring they apply the right pressure for the right time to come up with a good shot.

That sounds like too much work, right? Why would anyone want such a machine?

Read on!

6 Advantages of Lever Espresso Machines

They Give Deeper, Richer, and Sweeter Espressos

Espressos prepared by highly-skilled baristas using lever machines are simply the best!

According to CaffeTech, the secret is in pre-infusion, temperature, brewing and water flow.

At the pre-infusion stage, the temperature throughout the lever machine is higher (233°F to 244°F) and there’s a continually lowering of temperature (205°F to 198°F) during the entire brewing process.

This is the ideal temperature for brewing espresso.

The Pleasure of Hands-on Preparation

As we’ve mentioned earlier, with a lever espresso machine, you’ve got to do all the work. It’s not just about pressing several buttons.

Your entire mind and body are engulfed in the process of preparing that coffee!

This might not look like an advantage for other people, but there’s just something about engaging your body and mind to come up with a delicious serving.

It’s like taking that driver’s seat heading to your favorite destination.

It can be very, I mean ve-ry satisfying!

It’s a Learning Experience

Lever espresso machines need you to learn stuff that regular ones don’t.

For the regular espresso machines, you’ll only have 3 options – on, off and pre-infusion. That’s all.

Lever machines give you so many learning opportunities.

For instance, you have to learn how to pull the lever and how the rate at which you do this affects your shot.

From the point of purchase, you’ll be experimenting on how to come up with that perfect shot, and finally repeating that winning technique every day!

Most espresso fanatics agree that once you master this technique, you’ll always deliver the best espresso there ever is!

They’re Cheaper to Buy

Lever espresso machines are generally cheaper than automatic ones.

While a prosumer lever machine can go as low as $800, an automatic one goes for $2,000 and more.

The difference in price is attributed to the complexity of technology employed in manufacturing the models.

Automatic ones need more complex technologies than the lever machines.

They’re Easier to Maintain

For electronics, the higher the automation, the higher the risk that something could go wrong.

Correcting that will need an expert who will definitely charge for their time and the costs of replacements.

Luckily, with a lever machine, as Limini Coffee Roasters put it, it’s more mechanical than electrical. If it’s not working, look for mechanical solutions, not electronic ones. You’ll save the dollars!

And by the way, these machines (as we’ll mention later) are very forgiving.

They’ll rarely let you down.

Lever Espresso Machines are Silent Brewers

This is the most surprising thing about lever machines! Unless you’ve used one yourself, you’d not believe this…

Lever espressos brew the perfect espresso more quietly.

That is because there is no grinder in the machine to wake everyone up every time.

Are Lever Espresso Machines Better?

Well, most baristas that’ve used a lever espresso machine swear by it!

They love the USER-CONTROL that comes with these gadgets.

Although the initial learning stage can be a challenge, once you master the technique, you’re hooked for life.

Plus, the machines are very forgiving, working even in the most extreme conditions.

For instance, if you don’t tamp exactly, or if you haven’t descaled in a while so your portafilter has a lot of mineral buildup, it’ll still extract nice espresso notwithstanding!

Don’t get me talking about the striking visual appeal of these machines!

So finally, are they worth it?

Should you get one or just opt for the regular one? Here’s what I think.

Are Lever Espresso Machines Worth It?


As I’ve mentioned earlier, lever machines are actually cheaper than regular espresso machines.

But whether or not you should buy one depends on whether you have the patience to learn how to use the machine.

If you’re one of those espresso lovers who loves to experiment on stuff, learn new ideas and ultimately have the best espresso shots you could ever imagine, this one’s for you!

It’s totally worth it!

Especially if you love the traditional creamy espresso…

Otherwise, if patience and the willingness to learn a bit to make the best espresso at home are not very high up on your list of virtues, a lever espresso machine will most likely end up being a waste of money.

Photos by Craig Adderley and Chevanon.

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