7+ YouTube Channels Coffee Fans Should Follow

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Wading through millions of coffee channels on YouTube can be extremely overwhelming.

Whether you are looking for tips on picking good coffee gear or you have questions about brewing techniques, odds are there is a YouTube video you can watch.

So, I’m here to help!

By Jackalyn Beck.

When I was a barista, I watched YouTube videos to perfect my technique and help people have a better experience.

While I am still interested in content that is geared towards coffee professionals, now I am more interested in perfecting my personal brewing technique (especially for my beloved and oh so beautiful Chemex).

So I have seen content from across that spectrum and have definitely developed a few favorites.

No matter where you are in your coffee journey, here are 10 YouTube channels I think coffee fans should watch.

James Hoffman

James Hoffman is possibly one of the best-known content creators in the coffee world.

He is a world barista champion who creates some fantastic specialty coffee content.

He’s been making videos for a long time so he has covered everything from zero waste coffee pods to a beginner-friendly milk steaming tutorial.

I especially like his precise and scientific-based content like his caffeine analysis video.

Whether you are a detail-oriented barista or a casual coffee drinker looking to improve your technique, James Hoffan’s channel has something for everyone.

Official website: https://www.jameshoffmann.co.uk

Morgan Drinks Coffee

Morgan Drinks Coffee is a YouTube channel by Morgan Eckroth, the 2022 US Barista Champion.

I really like Morgan’s YouTube shorts because they are really cute and have a different vibe than many other coffee channels.

Their shorts usually feature cafe life and some of her own experiences as a barista.

She also has informative longer content and even some entertainment like her series evaluating unusual internet coffee hacks.

Official website: https://morgandrinkscoffee.com

European Coffee Trip

Don’t let the name trick you, European Coffee Trip creates great content you can enjoy no matter where you are from!

They have an app to help you find specialty coffee shops in Europe and do some travel-based content, like the top five coffee shops in Paris.

Despite that, they might be best known for their AeroPress content since they were even a part of a documentary about the AeroPress.

To boot, they have lots of other content on how to dial in your coffee making technique and even videos on how to order specialty coffee.

While their content is definitely targeted to coffee aficionados, they make things clear and easy to digest for any audience.

Official website: https://europeancoffeetrip.com

Seattle Coffee Gear

As you might expect from their name, Seattle Coffee Gear’s YouTube channel features quite a few gear reviews and maintenance tips.

I also like how detailed yet accessible they make their tutorials.

I like their tutorials on coffee tips you can use to refine your brewing method. I especially like their guide on coffee brewing mistakes you are probably making.

When I first started getting into specialty coffee I actually used their videos to refine my Chemex method.

Official website: https://www.seattlecoffeegear.com

Lance Hedrick

I love Lance Hedrick’s personality but most people probably like him more for his latte art. He was a world latte art champion two times!

Plus, he’s done lots of throw downs and other competitions.

While this channel was started in 2021 and hasn’t been around all that long, Lance already has quite a bit of content uploaded.

His content is accessible and easy to understand whether you are a barista or are just looking to make better coffee at home.

The ultimate guide to latte art is a great place to start watching his content.

Home Grounds Coffee

I’m a sucker for punny names, so Home Grounds is near and dear to my heart.

From product reviews to coffee comparisons, this channel has it all!

While they definitely have a lot of espresso content, like many other channels, they also have content for all kinds of brewing methods like French press and Clever Dripper (which I used a lot when I was a barista).

I especially like their reviews of things like the siphon coffee brewer and other brewing methods.

They do a really good job of creating detailed and authentic reviews without getting too caught up in aesthetics.

Because, trust me, the siphon coffee brewer definitely appeals to me but it probably wouldn’t fit into my lifestyle.

My beloved Chemex is already fragile enough to make me nervous.

Official website: https://www.homegrounds.co 

Kyle Rowsell

Speaking of aesthetics, Kyle Rowsell’s YouTube channel is very aesthetically pleasing with a lovely minimalist vibe.

Like many of the other creators, Kyle posts quite a few gear reviews and espresso- focused videos.

He also talks about home coffee roasting, including roaster and product reviews.

He also posts things like his unique morning coffee workflow and V60 coffee championship methods.

Official website: https://kylerowsell.com


At first glance RealChrisBaca might seem out of place.

His light, rainbow colors look very different from the color schemes and natural themes that many other coffee content creators use.

That’s not an accident, this channel is very high energy and jam packed with coffee tips as well as gear reviews.

This channel is also great for people who are interested in the business side of coffee since Chris also co-owns Cat And Cloud Coffee in Santa Cruz, California.

He also runs the Cat And Cloud Podcast if that is more your speed.

Or, if you are looking for other kinds of content, Chris also runs a blog and is keeping it real (and reel) on Instagram.

Official website: https://chrisbaca.com

Specialty Coffee Association

If you own a coffee business, especially in the United States, you should definitely follow the Specialty Coffee Association on YouTube.

While they don’t post videos at regular intervals, the content they do post is high-quality and generally very informative.

Their channel is definitely directed towards specialty coffee shop owners but their videos can be interesting to baristas and even casual coffee fans.

My favorite content from the SCA’s YouTube channel is actually videos from their events, like their full series from the Re:Co Symposium 2021.

Official website: https://sca.coffee 

Hoon’s Coffee

Hoon’s Coffee does gear-focused coffee content. This channel is smaller and I like the personal feel of his videos.

I especially appreciate his tutorials about maintaining and cleaning coffee gear since that gets overlooked way too often.

After all, having good, clean equipment can make a big difference in how good your coffee tastes.

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