Breville Barista Express VS Gaggia Classic Pro

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Getting a home-line espresso machine is always a good decision. For your convenience, I compared two top-class home espresso machines – Breville Barista Express and Gaggia Classic Pro.

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By Jozo Salmanić – Croatian barista with 15 years of experience.

Breville Barista Express – Everything In One Place

Breville Barista Express is currently one of the most popular all-in-one semi-automatic espresso machines around.

This machine brings the coffeehouse experience into your home and goes from beans to espresso in under 60 seconds.

Breville Barista Express VS Pro: Do We Have A Successor?

Breville Barista Pro is arguably the most successful successor of the Express line.

Barista Pro has an LCD, thermojet heating, and more grinder settings.

Gaggia Classic Pro – You Don’t Change The Winning Cards

Gaggia Classic Pro hit the market in 1991., and it’s still one of Gaggia’s bestsellers. It has undergone some cosmetic changes, but the core is the same: top home-line espresso maker.

Gaggia Classic Pro is very compact, durable, and straightforward to use.

Before getting your credit card, let’s compare these two fine machines and see which will suit you better.

Breville Barista Express VS Gaggia Classic Pro: Similarities

Let’s first see what features they share.

Both Are Semi-Automatic

With semi-automatic machines, you are more involved. You set the grinding size, tamp the beans, and use a frothing wand to steam milk.

However, that doesn’t mean you can use Breville Barista Express the same way you use Gaggia Classic Pro.

Single Brewing Head

A single brewing head is a sure sign espresso machine is for home use.

Both models also come with different baskets for pulling double shots.

Steam Wands and Hot Water Dispensers

Both devices have high-quality steam wands. Breville has a separate dispenser for hot water, while Gaggia uses a steam wand for that, too.

Water Reservoirs Are Decent Size

Of course, both machines have removable reservoirs. Gaggia has a 72 oz one, while Breville has a few more – 67 oz. The difference is negligible.

As for filling the reservoir, Breville has a system where you fill it from the top.

The water tank in Gaggia is fillable from the top and front, which has proven useful.

Pressure Power And Heating

Breville has a dual boiler that produces 15 bars of pressure, while Gaggia’s high-voltage single boiler goes to 15 to 17.5 bars.

You can find out more about the pros and cons of dual boiler machines in this Guide2coffee article.

For the heating part, both devices are equally fast – around 30 seconds. The fact that Gaggia can produce more pressure doesn’t mean much – 9 bars is optimal for espresso extraction.

More pressure won’t make your coffee better.

How Are Barista Express and Gaggia Pro Different?

It’s the differences that will help you make your buying decision.

Materials And Design

Gaggia Pro is a stainless steel cube with a simplified design. That means it will lack some bonus features, and retro buttons won’t make your coffee corner any prettier. It also means durability, and smaller dimensions make it a better fit for smaller spaces.

Breville is built from shiny, shiny stainless steel, too. Hence, it is hard-wearing and easy to clean. Its unusual design will fit most modern kitchens, but slightly larger dimensions might be an issue for tight counters.

Built-In Grinder VS No Grinder

The Breville model comes with a built-in precise conical burr grinder. You can grind in 16 different settings, and the quality is more than satisfying.

With Gaggia Classic Pro, you will need to buy an additional grinder (preferably a burr grinder).

On the one hand, having a built-in grinder is handy, especially if you drink the same type of espresso every time. However, a separate one can serve you for other brewing types – not just espresso.

Steaming And Frothing

Breville has a one-hole steam wand and offers automatic purging before and after use. It takes 20-30 seconds to steam your milk, thanks to the wonders of thermo-coil technology. You control the steam with an on/off switch, which is handy, but you have less control.

Gaggia will need up to a minute for proper steaming, but it uses a professional two-hole steam wand. A steam knob to control the steam flow is also an important selling point.

Additional Features

While both devices are semi-automatic machines, Breville coffee maker offers more bells and whistles besides a built-in grinder and tamper.

The pressure gauge comes in handy, as well as programmable settings for your espresso and automatic steam wand purging.

Gaggia Pro has only basic features, which might discourage some aficionados. But bear in mind that espresso quality is top-class.

You just need to put some elbow grease in it.

Which One Should You Buy

If you are just entering the world of fine espresso, Breville Barista Express is a more logical choice.

It has everything you need to make fine espresso. All you need is beans.

Gaggia Pro doesn’t have some features Breville has.

That’s why it is cheaper, especially if you already own a grinder.

Even if you buy an additional grinder, the overall price is usually lower than the cost of Breville.

Both machines are top of their class, and either one is an excellent choice.

Breville simply costs more and offers more features.

Photo by Jarmoluk.

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