Coffee VS Coca Cola – Which is Healthier?

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Coffee and Coca Cola are one of the most popular drinks around the world. Both of them are fantastic caffeine sources and they’re also delicious.

Nothing beats waking up to a freshly-brewed cup of coffee every morning.

In the same light, there’s nothing as rejuvenating as a bottle of cold Coca cola on a hot day!

But how healthy are these drinks? Coffee vs Coca Cola – Which is healthier?

By Lilian.

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I did my research and found the following.

First things first:

The Major Similarity Between Coffee and Coca Cola

The primary similarity between coffee and Coca Cola is the stimulant called Caffeine. Both drinks contain caffeine, although the levels differ.

But why do we need caffeine?

An article published by WebMD categorizes caffeine as a stimulant found in tea, coffee, cola, cocoa, etc.

As a stimulant, caffeine increases a person’s attention, alertness and energy.

This explains why most people (me included, maybe even you!) choose to have a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. The caffeine in coffee gives us that energy boost we need to start the day.

The same case applies to Coca Cola.

A single bottle gives you a rush of energy, albeit short-lived, thanks to the caffeine – plus sugar!

Now that we know that both drinks contain caffeine, how do the caffeine levels compare?

Coffee Vs Soda Caffeine Levels

An ordinary cup of freshly-brewed coffee has 95-165 milligrams of caffeine.

Well, obviously depending on the origin of the coffee, how it’s prepared and processed.

On the other hand, a similar amount of soda will have 24-46 milligrams of caffeine.

And actually, some sodas have no caffeine at all.

For example, citrus-flavored sodas, orange sodas and Sprite.

So, coffee definitely has higher caffeine levels than soda!

Coffee Vs Soda Sugar Levels

The amount of sugar in soda is definitely higher than what an ordinary person would add to coffee.

A can of soda has nearly ten teaspoons of sugar.

I’ve not met a person who adds 10 teaspoons of sugar to a cup of coffee.

Have you?

I doubt it.

So, coffee will definitely have less sugar than soda.

Coffee vs Soda – Which is Healthier?

Coffee is definitely healthier, whichever way you look at it.


Coffee beans are natural ingredients that grow on coffee plants while sodas are basically synthesized ingredients combined with artificial flavors.

Sugar Content

As mentioned above, the sugar content in sodas is definitely higher than in a similar-sized cup of coffee.

According to the Harvard Medical School, high sugar intake increases your risk of high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes and liver diseases.


Sodas really have no beneficial nutrients and at best, zero-calorie sodas have neutral health effects.

This is a sharp contrast to coffee which is relatively rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients.

For example, Vitamins B2, B3 and B5, magnesium and potassium.

Number of Calories

Coffee has less calories than soda.

Nutritional expert Ted Kallmyer mentions that an 8-ounce cup of black coffee has only 2 calories!

A similar-sized soda has 93 calories!

So, either way you look at it, coffee is healthier than soda.

Coffee Vs Coke – Which is Healthier?

Coffee is obviously healthier!

It’s sourced from coffee berries rich in natural antioxidants that keep our bodies healthy.

It is no wonder that people who drink coffee have a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes. They also have higher energy levels and a better metabolism rate.

Coke is a complete contrast. It’s made from coca leaves, kola nuts and other synthesized ingredients.

90% of this drink that’s loved by most is made from water and purified Carbon Dioxide, responsible for the bubbly, fizzy effect!

So, whichever way you look at it, coffee is healthier than coke!

Black Coffee Vs Cola – Which is Healthier?

Coffee definitely carries the day!

Especially if it’s sugarless.

Coca Cola has over 40 times more calories than a similar volume of black coffee.

As mentioned earlier, a single can of Coca Cola has no less than 10 teaspoons of sugar. To make matters worse, Cola basically has no nutrients.

On the other hand, coffee is loaded with vitamins such as B2, B3 and B5. It also has minerals such as Potassium, magnesium and niacin.

The downside is that coffee also has more caffeine than Coca Cola, which may impair the absorption of nutrients in the body.

Coffee Vs Pepsi Caffeine Levels?

Coffee has more caffeine than Pepsi!

For a 12 fl. Oz can of Pepsi, you’ll find 38 mg of caffeine. A similar cup of coffee packs roughly 90 mg of caffeine.

So, if you want a stronger caffeine kick, coffee is definitely the way to go!

Disclaimer Here

Although we’re finding that coffee is healthier than Coke, Pepsi, Cola and soda, it’s best to consume it under moderation.

There’s a saying that goes “Too much of anything is poisonous”.

It’s perfectly true for coffee!

Too much coffee isn’t good for you!

Mayo Clinic Staff suggest a maximum limit of 400mg of caffeine every day, which is about 4 cups of regular coffee!

Anything above this will leave you feeling dizzy, having frequent headaches, tremors, a fast heartbeat or even diarrhea!

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