10 Fun Facts About Coffee Drinkers

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Coffee drinkers are some of the most productive, anxious people alive.

If you’re one of us, you’ll surely enjoy to learn some facts about us.

By Marcelo.

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#1 We like coffee for breakfast

When do people drink coffee?

Two out of three coffee drinkers report that they drink coffee for breakfast – much more than with any other meal.

Some of us might even enjoy coffee itself as a breakfast, which is fine from time to time, but be sure to accompany it with some real food, too!

#2 Only a third of coffee drinkers prefer black coffee

Black coffee drinkers are the darkest souls around. It’s really not a contest of who can endure the most bitterness, you know?

Only about 35% of coffee drinkers say they prefer black coffee to other types of coffee.

As for the rest of us, we like milk and sugar too much!

#3 Women are outnumbered

If only by a few numbers – only 62% of women report drinking coffee everyday, in contrast to 68% of men.

In the US, that’s about 1.82 cups a day for women vs. 1.93 cups a day for men.

Slightly higher, but probably not enough of a difference for some people.

This is particular to America, however, and might not be the same in all countries.

In general, the numbers are quite even around the world when it comes to men and women coffee drinkers.

What can we say? We love coffee, no matter our sex.

#4 Millenials love coffee

That’s right! Millennials, you win.

You drink way more coffee than all of useven more than baby boomers.

Although “millennials” tends to be associated with a certain type of subculture in America, it turns out that this trend is true of many other countries.

Millennials all around the world have an affinity for coffee that other generations just can’t match.

Maybe it’s the fact that we’ve lived through several economic collapses, or the internet, or all that mercury in the fish we eat.

Whatever the reason, we just love coffee.

#5 15% of the world population drinks coffee regularly

…Which might sound a little underwhelming to some.

I mean, some of us have identities that almost completely revolve around coffee!

Don’t worry, though: that number varies greatly from place to place.

And although only about 15% of world citizens can be considered true coffee drinkers, the number of people that drink coffee varies from 30% to 40% of the population any given day.

So maybe they’re not drinking coffee every single day – but I’d still consider them coffee drinkers.

#6 Europe is home to the most coffee drinkers

Almost 70% of Europeans drink coffee on a daily basis. That’s crazy! The number is even higher in some particular countries, like Germany and Finland.

They drink more coffee than Americans, who are already notorious coffee drinkers.

This may have to do with tradition – coffee did arrive in Europe earlier than it did in America.

It wasn’t until quite late that Americans started to favor coffee over tea, which was the drink of choice for a long time.

#7 Americans drink 3 cups of coffee a day

…on average.

You probably read that and thought “hold my coffee”, but that’s on average.

In reality, most self-proclaimed coffee drinkers drink way more than that a day – even though doctors recommend around four cups a day!

To put that into context, coffee drinkers over in Finland drink an average of nine cups a day.

That is three times more than Americans, so next time you want to brag about how much coffee you drink, think about Finnish people.

#8 We like to make coffee at home

That’s right.

Why go to a coffee shop when you can make better coffee at home, that’s suited to your taste?

And for free?!

It’s estimated that about 79% of Americans own some sort of coffee maker at home, while 12% say they have an espresso machine at home.

An espresso machine is the real deal.

And even if you don’t have one, coffee is coffee.

To a true coffee drinker, form doesn’t matter – it’s all about the coffee.

#9 Americans love Colombian coffee

Sure Colombian coffee is objectively great and anyone would love a cup of it – but we Americans drink more of it than anyone else!

Most of the coffee grown in Colombia ends up in America, because there’s so much demand for it.

It may have something to do with the fact that Colombian coffee has been famous in America since the 50’s, so we as a nation are very aware of how good it is.

Or maybe we don’t really know many other good producers like Colombia – whatever the reason, we drink a lot of it.

#10 There are 1 billion coffee drinkers around the world

That’s 1 in 7 people. But what is a coffee drinker?

We mentioned before that a coffee drinker is someone who drinks coffee every day.

That’s what constitutes a coffee drinker: someone who can’t, won’t, go without coffee even for a single day.

And if you count all the people who drink coffee often but not every day, the number goes up a lot.

Almost half the world population could be called coffee lovers!

Which may sound a little disappointing – how aren’t there more coffee drinkers in the world?!

Well, you have to remember that tea is still the preferred traditional drink in many Asian countries.

China, in particular, even though it is home to many coffee lovers, most of the population doesn’t drink coffee. At all.

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