How To Choose A Office Coffee Machine?

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Getting the right office coffee machine is a big deal! However, with so many options in the market, how do you choose an office machine?

What are the essential features you should look for?

In this article, I walk you through the options you can consider.

It also provides criteria to select the best coffee machine for your office. If you are searching for an office coffee machine, keep reading.

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Originally written by Lucy.

Fact checked and edited by Jozo Salmanić – Croatian barista with 15 years of experience.

How to Choose an Office Coffee Machine?

When looking for an office coffee machine, the wide range of options available can easily overwhelm you. Moreover, you will want to please everyone at the office, which is challenging because everyone has their own taste!

In this sense, you must consider several factors to ensure you get the right coffee machine for your workspace.

Some notable factors include:

Cost – What Are The Initial And Ongoing Costs?

All businesses have a budget whenever they are shopping for a new product. Be that as it may, even if you are on a tight budget, you should view a coffee machine as an investment.

Therefore, remember that getting a top-quality machine that suits your company’s needs will prevent you from spending more money to replace it in the short term.

Brittany Burke reveals that the investment includes more factors than just the cost of the machine.

For example, you will be investing in your staff’s productivity and satisfaction, which is a worthwhile investment.

It would help to break down the cost into the machine’s price and ongoing costs.

It would help if you considered other factors vis-à-vis the cost of the coffee machine.

Output – What Is Your Company’s Cup Per Day Ratio?

First, it is highly probable that not all staff members are coffee enthusiasts.

Also, every coffee drinker drinks a different amount every day.

But it is more straightforward to determine this ratio than you think!

Survey your workplace and ask the employees how much coffee they consume daily, then add up the numbers.

Remember, most low-end consumer coffee machines are not meant for heavier continuous use – that is 50+ cups per day and something in these will break down faster than you might expect.

Convenience – Is The Machine Easy To Use?

Before you select a coffee machine, you must consider how easy it is to use and its dispense time. 

Picture this; you have a large office with many coffee drinkers.

In this case, you need a coffee machine that is effortless to use and dispenses coffee faster.

This will help avoid queues at peak times.

Jack Brookes claims that bean-to-cup machines are excellent for self-service.

Users can get their coffee with the press of a button.

It would also be best to select a professional coffee machine having an automatic cleaning cycle that notifies you when it has to be cleaned.

Impact on the Environment – Is The Coffee Machine Eco-Friendly?

It is a rule of thumb to consider a machine’s environmental impact.

Some things that will help you select an environmentally friendly machine include:

  • It has parts that you can recycle
  • The amount of water and electricity it consumes
  • Does it have a smart energy system that turns off the power when not in use? According to Harry Bullmore, you should consider a machine with smart controls.

Flavors – There Is No One-Size-Fits-All

Different strokes for different folks.

More people in your office means more chances somebody will complain about beans used in the office machine.

If you are using an espresso maker with two bean hoppers, it would at least be fair to have a decaf option.

Offering one standard and one specialty bean option would be even better.

If your staff cannot reach a consensus on beans, perhaps pod machines would be a better solution.

For instance, K-cups come in more than 300 different flavors.

However, nobody expects you to get different beans or pods for every employee.

A monthly or quarterly survey is the best way to decide what beans you will use in your office machine.

Why Do You Need A Coffee Machine For Your Office

In matters of money, coffee machines are just an expense for the business.

They cost money to buy, maintain, and repair. However, a coffee machine is an essential part of every successful office.

Why is that?

You Are Expected To Have One

The time of canteens is over.

Modern employees expect the office will provide them with coffee, water/soft drinks, and even light breakfast options.

Good times to be an office worker.

It Shows That You Care

No contract has a part that guarantees your right to have a coffee.

But a good coffee machine will do wonders for morale in your office.

Get a high-quality coffee maker and some fine beans  (like Premium hand-picked Hawaiian Koa Coffee) to feed it with, and your employees will know you care about them.

Consequently, it’s likely to result in higher employee retention, less burnout, and overall a better office atmosphere.

Your Employees Will Be Happier And Healthier

The health benefits of drinking coffee are not an urban myth.

This Healthline article, written and reviewed by healthcare professionals, just confirms it.

Having a coffee machine means your staff will be happier and healthier. That means fewer days off due to stress.

The Productivity Will Go Through The Roof

First, we have the fact that caffeine boosts brain functions and makes your office staff more efficient.

Second, the coffee machine is a new meeting point in the office.

Office coffee corner is a place where everyone can go and chitchat.

That strengthens the relationships between colleagues and gives them a sense of belonging.

The Right Office Coffee Machine Saves Time And Money

Choosing the right coffee machine for your office means every staff member can get coffee without too much waiting, which increases productivity.

A good coffee machine will also optimize your spending.

No more wasting hours boiling water, grinding beans or complaining that somebody drank all the coffee. 

Small Office Coffee Machines

Finding the perfect small office coffee machine is effortless because there are many machines to choose from. Small offices usually have smaller size break rooms that serve few employees.

Nonetheless, you need a top-rated coffee maker to boost your company culture positively.

An ideal small office coffee machine should produce 50 cups per day.

Commercial Office Coffee Machines

If your company is larger, your coffee consumption could be similar to that of a coffee shop.

In this sense, it would help to go for a commercial coffee maker.

A large office has over 75 employees. Here, an espresso machine would work best.

However, traditional espresso machines are complex, meaning you must train your staff on how to use them. So, your best bet is superautomatic coffee machines.

Medium-volume machines produce up to 200 cups of coffee daily; high-volume machines produce up to 500 cups daily.

Select the one that suits your cup-per-day ratio.

What Is The Best Coffee Machine Type For Your Office

Every office has different amounts of people working, and those people also have individual coffee-drinking habits, so choosing one type of machine is an ungrateful task.

From my experience, super automatics are the best choice for office machines, even for tiny offices.

Why do you think that is?

First, they are convenient.

With modern bean-to-cup machines, all you need to do is take care there are enough beans, milk, and water inside.

Just one click and your coffee is ready.

Second, they are money-wise in the long run.

Sure, the initial investment is higher, but these machines don’t waste beans, milk, water, or electricity.

The price difference between beans and pods is also not negligible.

Perhaps the most important factor is the number of drinks offered.

Modern superautomatic coffee makers offer more than ten different drinks, and some even include hot cocoa or tea options.

Better than a carafe of drip coffee, any time.

Bottom Line

Offering your employees coffee at the workplace is no longer a luxury. Instead, it is a worthwhile investment.

The factors shared in this article will help you settle on the best office coffee machine for your workplace.

Now go get your staff motivated!

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