Latte vs Cappuccino?

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Latte vs Cappuccino?

Latte or cappuccino? It’s a question that often divides coffee lovers. Is there a better one between the two? If not, then which one is right for you?

By Mila.

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So, you’re at the coffee shop, and you can’t decide if you should order a latte or a cappuccino.

What’s the difference, anyway?

Let’s start with the basics.

How do these two coffee drinks differ?


A bottom layer of one or two shots of espresso forms the base of a cappuccino.

To give the beverage a rich, velvety texture, a second layer of steamed milk is added on top, followed by a thick layer of airy foam.

The milk’s consistency and temperature are of utmost significance to make the perfect cappuccino.

Small air bubbles are introduced into the milk during steaming, giving it a smooth texture and sweetness.

This is known as micro foam.

A cappuccino is frothier than a latte.


A latte has more milk than a cappuccino (latte literally means milk in Italian), but its base also starts with a shot of espresso.

The espresso is then mixed with steamed milk.

Espresso and steamed milk are typically mixed in a ratio of about one to two. A layer of foam is then placed on top of the latte.

The result is a rich, creamy beverage with a more subdued espresso flavor.

And we can’t forget about latte art, that only makes the experience even better.

How Latte Art is Made

The practice of adding steaming milk to espresso to produce a pattern or design on the surface of the resulting latte is known as “latte art.”

Consistently producing the art is challenging, so it’s up to the barista’s skill and the quality of the espresso machine.

On the internet, there are lots of pictures of beautiful lattes with the cutest art: hearts, leaves, and even more complex shapes such as animals (a swan)!

Indeed, it’s almost impossible not to want to take a picture.

It’s irresistible.

And at the same time, you’ll feel sorry to drink it and mess it up.

It’s like drinking a painting!

☕️ Pro tip: if you’re sorry about ruining the latte art, you can drink it, and then just keep ordering more!

This video from Coffee Fusion (below) shows how to make latte art step-by-step.

The Difference in Taste

So, we’ve talked about the difference in appearance, but what about the taste?

Due to having less milk and more foam than a latte, a cappuccino boasts a much stronger espresso flavor.

Latte has more milk than coffee, while cappuccino has more coffee than milk.

But generally speaking, both are sweet, creamy drinks.

The Difference in Caffeine Content

A cappuccino contains more caffeine because it has more espresso in it.

A latte, on the other hand, has less caffeine because it has more milk.

  • So, if you’re looking for an energy boost, you’ll be better off with a cappuccino.
  • If you like to drink coffee to relax, a latte might be the right choice.

The Difference in Calories

Here’s is the calorie content of cappuccino and latte:

  • Cappuccino (8 ounces): 80 calories.
  • Latte (16 ounces): 190 calories.

As you can see, a latte has double the calories.

This isn’t very surprising, as a latte is basically just espresso with a lot of milk.

A cappuccino, on the other hand, is made with espresso, steamed milk and foamed milk. It doesn’t have as many calories, but it has a stronger coffee flavor.

Plus, it’s got that lovely layer of foam on top.

That being said, lattes (and cappuccinos) can also be prepared with almond, soy and other types of milk.

Which Drink Should Be Your Go-To: Latte or Cappuccino?

That depends on your preferences.

Both drinks are delicious, but if you’re watching your calories, the cappuccino is the way to go.

If you like a stronger coffee flavor and want an energy boost, the cappuccino will contain more caffeine.

If you prefer a creamier drink with a touch of sweetness, go for a latte.

And if you’re still not sure what to order, just ask your barista for a recommendation.

They’ll be more than happy to help!

The Difference in Cost

The prices of these drinks can vary or be the same depending on the place.

Latte can be more expensive than a cappuccino because it uses more milk. You’re basically paying for the extra milk and coffee foam.

A cappuccino, on the other hand, can be more expensive depending on how it’s prepared.

But in the end, the prices don’t vary too much, and your choice will depend on how much you like one or the other.  

Some people might prefer one over the other, but it really comes down to personal preference.

So, which one do you prefer?

Photos by StockSnap and rkarkowski

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